
Create a new web page for the project

Opened this issue · 28 comments

I want to create a new page for the project. Do you accept?
If you agree, do you have any suggestions for this?
i suggests:
-donate section
-release description
-Program Guide section
-join guide
-add github buttons(star, fallow, ..)
-road map
-responsive :)

ilius commented


As long as you minimize the javascript code loaded into page.
And no side bar (it will be responsive if it's just text and image with no side bar)
Just one bar on top to switch to different pages.

You can use the links/info in this page:
If you make a demo, I'll give you the additional content to add.

ilius commented

I added some (old) screenshots here for now:

I added some (old) screenshots here for now:
I need a bigger icon.

ilius commented

Let me know what size you want so I export to that size.


ilius commented

Here you go


ilius commented


Do you think the page should be English or Persian?

If it's English, we need to replace all screenshots.
Also change their descriptions.

Also change their descriptions.
My English is not good

Do you think the page should be English or Persian?
main page english and get system language if fa-ir redirect to persian page.
and we can use language button(in footer)

ilius commented

Can you add a button to change the language?
You can duplicate everything for Persian.
Then I revise all descriptions.
And replace screenshots for English.

Can we get the screenshots?
The same ones used.

StarCalendar: تقویم ستاره؟

ilius commented

We don't translate the name.
I will replace screenshots later.
Please add Language button.

  • Combine what is this? | contributors | for developers with the upper tab bar.
  • Change what is this? to Home (replace Star Calendar button).
  • Make the selected tab green.
  • Move the Download icon (top-right corner) next to other tabs as "Download"
  • Move contents of for developers section into Download page, titled as "Install from source"
  • In Download page, change "3.1.6" button to " Release Notes"
ilius commented

Also, I don't think we should include the release notes in the Download page.
Since we gonna have to copy-paste it on every release.
We can redirect user to another page for release notes / changes.
Please check whether the issues are resolved or not?
for multi language support now page automatically get system language code and it set text without fa fa/index.html changes.
What do you think, system language code or IP or geo location?

ilius commented

It's good.

Where is system language set?

The language should be just English by default.

Also, please move the language button to top-right corner (next to Github icon).
And make that bar LTR so that the buttons don't move when switch language.

my opinion
The site automatically detects the language. And a Farsi user usually doesn't need the language switch button. Also, putting the language button above the application icon will get a lot of user opinion attention, especially on smaller screens.
  Usually the first attention of Farsi users is at the top right, so I suggest not using the github button here.
I look at other sites to see what they have done.

ilius commented

I'm still not sure what you mean by system language!
Top-right corner is the standard place for language button.
Please do as I said.

ilius commented

That's also arguable, but in this case it won't make a difference, because not many people use Persian as browser language.
Please just make English default.

تو ویندوز انگلیسی زبان و مرورگ انگلیسی و اندروید جواب می ده و فارسی می کنه.
این متن رو به انگلیسی ترجمه می کنم

Are you on social media?

Things will be done soon

Can you tell me what to do?

ilius commented

Do whatever that's clear.
I'm gonna fork and revise it before the next release.