
[Bug Report] A copy-paste issue on official site

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Found this nice library and went on the installation guide. The copy-paste feature for the Step 1 doesn't copy the command but the title of the section either i.e. Terminal. I have provided image for the same. Thanks!

Its on

PS: I tested on Firefox and Brave.

Edit: link


Thank you for the report.
The culprit seems to be this line:

const preIndex = filename == null ? 0 : 1;

It only checks for the existence of a file name, not the terminal. Should probably be something like:

    const preIndex = filename == null && terminal === false ? 0 : 1;

I'm currently away from PC for a couple of days, so if you (or @illright) wouldn't mind creating that PR, I'd happily merge it :)

Sure, I'll create a PR. Feel free to assign me here.

I was trying to setup attractions and ran into this error stating that it global.scss cannot find ~attractions/_variables. (Picture attached)

What I did after cloning:

  • npm i in root directory
  • npm i in docs directory
  • npm run docs:dev from root directory

Any idea where am I going wrong?

node: v14.17.3
npm: v6.14.3
yarn: v1.22.11

Edit: added dependencies versions


Yeah, I think I've seen this before. Try using Yarn for now, this problem skills disappear. We are soon moving to pnpm, and with that should come a fix for this problem