
JavaScript API for Gmail

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Gmail.js - JavaScript API for Gmail

Note: This is not an official Gmail API, and isn't affiliated with Google.

TL;DR Summary

  • Lots of api methods to work with gmail. Useful for chrome extensions
  • Most of them dont take arguments, they work on what is currently visible on the screen
  • I still need to add implementation for chrome extension, works by injecting js for now
  • Main method is gmail.observe.on('lots_of_actions_here', callback())
  • Click on a method link to view more detailed docs
  • Create an issue/pull request for feedback, requests and fixes


Quick Usage - Chrome Console

// {inject jquery.js} by copy pasting this in your console
var jq = document.createElement('script');
jq.src = "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js";

// {inject gmail.js} by copy pasting gmail.js contents or via url like jquery above
// var Gmail = {.....} // paste gmail.js code here

// start using!
var gmail = Gmail();


Summary (click for more info)




  • gmail.observe .http_requests()
  • gmail.observe .actions()
  • gmail.observe .off(action)
  • gmail.observe .on(action, callback)
    • poll - When gmail automatically polls the server to check for new emails every few seconds
    • new_email - When a new email appears in the inbox
    • refresh - When you click the refresh button
    • unread - When a conversation(s) is marked unread
    • read - When a conversation(s) is marked read
    • delete - When a conversation(s) is deleted
    • mark_as_spam - When a conversation(s) is marked as spam
    • mark_as_not_spam - When a conversation(s) is unchecked as spam
    • label - When a conversation(s) get applied a label
    • archive - When a conversation(s) is archieved
    • move_to_inbox - When a conversation(s) is moved to the inbox
    • delete_forever - When a conversation(s) is deleted forever
    • star - When a conversation(s) is starred
    • unstar - When a conversation(s) is unstarred
    • mark_as_important - When a conversation(s) is marked as important
    • mark_as_not_important - When a conversation(s) is marked as not important
    • filter_messages_like_these - When a filter button is triggered for a conversation
    • mute - When a conversation(s) is muted
    • unmute - When a conversation(s) is unmuted
    • add_to_tasks - When an item is added to google tasks
    • move_label - When a conversation(s) is moved to a label folder
    • save_draft - When a draft is saved
    • discard_draft - When a draft is dicarded
    • send_message - When a message is sent
    • expand_categories - When a category is expanded from the left nav sidebar
    • delete_label - When a label is deleted
    • show_newly_arrived_message - When inside an email and a new email arrives in the thread


These methods return the DOM data itself

  • gmail.dom .inbox_content()
  • gmail.dom .email_subject()
  • gmail.dom .email_body()
  • gmail.dom .email_contents()
  • gmail.dom .get_left_sidebar_links()
  • gmail.dom .search_bar()


These are some helper functions that the rest of the methods use. See source for input params

  • gmail.tools .xhr_watcher()
  • gmail.tools .parse_url()
  • gmail.tools .deparam()
  • gmail.tools .parse_view_data()
  • gmail.tools .parse_email_data()
  • gmail.tools .make_request()


These are some of the variables that are tracked and kept in memory while the rest of the methods are in use.

  • gmail.tracker .events
  • gmail.tracker .xhr_init
  • gmail.tracker .xhr_open
  • gmail.tracker .xhr_send
  • gmail.tracker .watchdog
  • gmail.tracker .view_data
  • gmail.tracker .email_data
  • gmail.tracker .ik
  • gmail.tracker .rid



Returns a list of emails from the server that are currently visible in the inbox view. The data does not come from the DOM

[{"id": "1425a3693a4c45d0",
  "title": "<b>What if video games were real? On YouTube</b>",
  "excerpt": "View email in a web browser Header Super Mario Brothers Parkour by Warialasky Super Mario Brothers",
  "time": "Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 12:23 AM",
  "sender": "noreply@youtube.com",
  "attachment": "",
  "labels": ["^all", "^i", "^smartlabel_social", "^unsub"]}]


Returns an object representation of the opened email contents and metadata

  "first_email": "141d44da39d6caf8",
  "last_email": "141d44da39d6caf8",
  "total_emails": 1,
  "total_threads": ["141d44da39d6caf8"],
  "people_involved": [
    ["Kartik Talwar", "hi@kartikt.com"],
    ["California", "california@gmail.com"]
  "subject": "test",
  "threads": {
    "141d44da39d6caf8": {
      "reply_to_id": "",
      "from": "California",
      "from_email": "california@gmail.com",
      "timestamp": 1382246359000,
      "datetime": "Sun, Nov 20, 2013 at 1:19 AM",
      "content_plain": "another test",
      "subject": "test",
      "content_html": "<div dir=\"ltr\">another test</div>\n"


Returns the current user's email address



Returns current user's file storage stats

  "used": "0 GB",
  "total": "15 GB",
  "percent": 0


Returns what page of gmail the user is currently on. These are the possible responses

['sent', 'inbox', 'starred', 'drafts', 'imp', 'chats', 'all', 'spam', 'trash'] // pages
null // inside email conversation
"/search/[.+]" // inside search view
"/label/[.+]" // inside label view
"/category/[.+]" // inside category view


Returns the opened email's subject from the DOM



Gets current email's ID



Returns the search bar data

"from:hi@kartikt.com is:unread"


Returns a count of total unread emails for the current account.

  "inbox": 2,
  "drafts": 0,
  "spam": 0,
  "forum": 0,
  "notifications": 0,
  "promotions": 0,
  "social": 0

You can also request the data individually

  • gmail.get.unread_inbox_emails()
  • gmail.get.unread_draft_emails()
  • gmail.get.unread_spam_emails()
  • gmail.get.unread_forum_emails()
  • gmail.get.unread_notification_emails()
  • gmail.get.unread_promotion_emails()
  • gmail.get.unread_social_emails()


Gets user's account activity data

  "time": "9:41 pm",
  "ip": "",
  "mac_address": "2620:101:f000:702:a966:ab42:4a46:195e",
  "time_relative": "31 minutes ago"


Returns a list of signed-in accounts (multiple user accounts setup in gmail)



Although hand picked, this method returns the checks on beta features and deployments



Returns True if the conversation is threaded False otherwise


Returns True if gmail is in split pane mode (vertical or horizontal) False otherwise


Returns True if the pane split mode is horiontal False otherwise


Returns True if the pane mode is vertical False otherwise


Returns True if tabbed inbox view is enabled False otherwise


Returns True if chat is on the right sidebar False otherwise


Returns True if the current user is google apps user (email not ending in gmail.com) False otherwise


Returns True if you are currently inside an email conversation False otherwise


Returns True if priority inbox is enabled False otherwise


Returns True if rapportive chrome extension is installed False otherwise


Returns True if streak chrome extension is installed False otherwise


Returns True if any.do chrome extension is installed False otherwise


Returns True if boomerang chrome extension is installed False otherwise


Returns True if xobini chrome extension is installed False otherwise


Returns True if Signal chrome extension is installed False otherwise


After the gmail.obsere.on() has been initiated, this method keeps track of the last 50 http events. The items contain the sent requested parameterized data

  "method": "POST",
  "url": {
    "ui": "2",
    "ik": "13fa7f7088",
    "rid": "ed0e..",
    "view": "tl",
    "start": "0",
    "num": "30",
    "lhop": "169846",
    "ltup": "%5Ei",
    "slmm": "1427abc6106ac10b",
    "scid": "q2h353hw6dv9",
    "avw": "1194",
    "ntlv": "10",
    "auto": "1",
    "ver": "-z-h-bKmWwI.en.",
    "am": "!6hSPXvkvPMjmReGu2-2BQXCk3IltF-jNSk0J8Cg_jNeaoSbpJgHQYdkXe6T_WPYyyATD3DSiOA",
    "vas": "1",
    "ari": "120",
    "_reqid": "4582876",
    "pcd": "1",
    "mb": "0",
    "rt": "j",
    "search": "inbox"
  "body": "",
  "url_raw": "?ui=2&ik=13fa7f7088&rid=ed0e..&view=tl&start=0&num=30&lhop=169846&ltup=%5Ei&slmm=1427abc6106ac10b&scid=q2h353hw6dv9&avw=1194&ntlv=10&auto=1&ver=-z-h-bKmWwI.en.&am=!6hSPXvkvPMjmReGu2-2BQXCk3IltF-jNSk0J8Cg_jNeaoSbpJgHQYdkXe6T_WPYyyATD3DSiOA&vas=1&ari=120&_reqid=4582876&pcd=1&mb=0&rt=j&search=inbox"


Similar to gmail.obsere.http_requests() this keeps track of the last 10 gmail actions (vs all http requests). Actions here correspond to things like clicking refres, archiving, deleting, starring etc.

gmail.observe.on(action, callback)

This is the key feature of gmail.js. This method allows you to add triggers to all of these actions so you can build your custom extension/tool with this library.

You simply specify the action nane and your function that the method will return data to when the actions are triggered and it does the rest. You can have multiple triggers

Available Actions

  • poll - When gmail automatically polls the server to check for new emails every few seconds
  • new_email - When a new email appears in the inbox
  • refresh - When you click the refresh button
  • unread - When a conversation(s) is marked unread
  • read - When a conversation(s) is marked read
  • delete - When a conversation(s) is deleted
  • mark_as_spam - When a conversation(s) is marked as spam
  • mark_as_not_spam - When a conversation(s) is unchecked as spam
  • label - When a conversation(s) get applied a label
  • archive - When a conversation(s) is archieved
  • move_to_inbox - When a conversation(s) is moved to the inbox
  • delete_forever - When a conversation(s) is deleted forever
  • star - When a conversation(s) is starred
  • unstar - When a conversation(s) is unstarred
  • mark_as_important - When a conversation(s) is marked as important
  • mark_as_not_important - When a conversation(s) is marked as not important
  • filter_messages_like_these - When a filter button is triggered for a conversation
  • mute - When a conversation(s) is muted
  • unmute - When a conversation(s) is unmuted
  • add_to_tasks - When an item is added to google tasks
  • move_label - When a conversation(s) is moved to a label folder
  • save_draft - When a draft is saved
  • discard_draft - When a draft is dicarded
  • send_message - When a message is sent
  • expand_categories - When a category is expanded from the left nav sidebar
  • delete_label - When a label is deleted
  • show_newly_arrived_message - When inside an email and a new email arrives in the thread
gmail.observe.on("unread", function(id, url, body) {
  console.log("id:", id, "url:", url, 'body', body);

gmail.observe.on("read", function(id, url, body) {
  console.log("id:", id, "url:", url, 'body', body);

gmail.observe.on("delete", function(id, url, body) {
  console.log("id:", id, "url:", url, 'body', body);

gmail.observe.on("mark_as_spam", function(id, url, body) {
  console.log("id:", id, "url:", url, 'body', body);

gmail.observe.on("mark_as_not_spam", function(id, url, body) {
  console.log("id:", id, "url:", url, 'body', body);

gmail.observe.on("label", function(id, url, body, label) {
  console.log("id:", id, "url:", url, 'body', body, "label", label);

gmail.observe.on("archive", function(id, url, body) {
  console.log("id:", id, "url:", url, 'body', body);

gmail.observe.on("move_to_inbox", function(id, url, body) {
  console.log("id:", id, "url:", url, 'body', body);

gmail.observe.on("delete_forever", function(id, url, body) {
  console.log("id:", id, "url:", url, 'body', body);

gmail.observe.on("star", function(id, url, body) {
  console.log("id:", id, "url:", url, 'body', body);

gmail.observe.on("unstar", function(id, url, body) {
  console.log("id:", id, "url:", url, 'body', body);

gmail.observe.on("mark_as_important", function(id, url, body) {
  console.log("id:", id, "url:", url, 'body', body);

gmail.observe.on("mark_as_not_important", function(id, url, body) {
  console.log("id:", id, "url:", url, 'body', body);

gmail.observe.on("filter_messages_like_these", function(id, url, body) {
  console.log("id:", id, "url:", url, 'body', body);

gmail.observe.on("mute", function(id, url, body) {
  console.log("id:", id, "url:", url, 'body', body);

gmail.observe.on("unmute", function(id, url, body) {
  console.log("id:", id, "url:", url, 'body', body);

gmail.observe.on("add_to_tasks", function(url, body, data) {
  console.log("url:", url, 'body', body, 'task_data', data);

gmail.observe.on("move_label", function(id, url, body) {
  console.log("id:", id, "url:", url, 'body', body);

gmail.observe.on("save_draft", function(url, body, data) {
  console.log("url:", url, 'body', body, 'email_data', data);

gmail.observe.on("discard_draft", function(id, url, body) {
  console.log("id:", id, "url:", url, 'body', body);

gmail.observe.on("send_message", function(url, body, data) {
  console.log("url:", url, 'body', body, 'email_data', data);

gmail.observe.on("expand_categories", function(url, body, data) {
  console.log("url:", url, 'body', body, 'expanded_data', data);

gmail.observe.on("delete_label", function(id, url, body) {
  console.log("id:", id, "url:", url, 'body', body);

gmail.observe.on("show_newly_arrived_message", function(id, url, body) {
  console.log("id:", id, "url:", url, 'body', body);

gmail.observe.on("poll", function(url, body, data) {
  console.log("url:", url, 'body', body, 'data', data);

gmail.observe.on("new_email", function(id, url, body) {
  console.log("id:", id, "url:", url, 'body', body);

gmail.observe.on("refresh", function(url, body, data) {
  console.log("url:", url, 'body', body, 'data', data);


Turn off an observe action. Providing it no argument will disable all observers.

gmail.observe.on('poll', function(x,y,z){});
gmail.observe.on('refresh', function(x,y,z){});

gmail.observe.off('poll'); // disables poll
gmail.observe.off();  // disables both

Author and Licensing

twitter/therealkartik Inspired my gmailr.js
Kartik Talwar See License.md