
The dashboard show "no data to show" and "no data"

hzd2020 opened this issue · 5 comments

I have Install and setup Telegraf, InfluxDB, and Grafana to work with eachother, and InfluxDB have telegraf collection data from idrac.but the dashboard still don't show any data, show "no data" or "no data to show".

in the above image $idrac_host What does it mean?

show tag values from "idrac-hosts" with key="system-name" not have return any values. I using influxdb 1.64

I reinstall influxdb from 1.64 to 1.8 . now "SHOW TAG VALUES ON "idrac2985" FROM "idrac-hosts" WITH KEY="system-name"" is right.
image may be influxdb 1.64 problem.

And your other data also comes through now too? It seems the first error you had, was relating to the database not actually being in existence I think. Maybe it wasn't be auto-created correctly in the previous version.

Now Dashboard show data is normal as: