
Video app in React, Node, SASS, PHP Yii 2, React Native,JS

Primary LanguageJava


This a video management web app and mobile app for your favourite videos. The admin uploads favourite videos to the server and then users can subscribe to the particular category to watch them in the mobile app[iOS, Android].

Mobile app Mobile app React dashboard login React dashboard signup React dashboard

Technology Stack

  • JS, React, ES6
  • Node, Express
  • React Native
  • HTML5, CSS3, Sass
  • Mongo DB, MySql

Structure of the repo

This application has 6 different sub applications. You may choose three to run the application successfully. The different sub applications gives the versatility and choice of technology to be used.

  1. Two mobile apps - mobile / mobile-expo : It is the mobile app in React Native, one is dispatched version from expo.
  2. Two backend servers - node / server : node is written in node js while server is in PHP (Yii2 microservices)
  3. Two databases support - MangoDB / MySQL
  4. Two frontend apps - react / sass : react is web app while sass is css based design app.


Each of the six sub applications has their own installations but we would quickly present only two in this version of the document.


  • Install MySql and Mongo db on your computer and adjust the settings in node/database/config and in node/src/config/constants.js.
  • Install npm packages by running the following command inside node/ npm install
  • Run migrations by: db-migrate up --config ./config/dev.json. Or run the following.
   npm run migrate:mysql
   npm run migrate:mongo
  • Start node server as npm start

React app

  • Change credentials inside react/.env
  • Install packages npm install
  • npm start


  • Create migrations by: db-migrate create create_table_tablename --config ./config/dev.json.


  • You many need to install the following.
    1. node >= 10.16.0
    2. npm >= 6.9.0
    3. PHP 7
    4. Apache 2 or Nginx Web server
    5. MySQL >= 5.7