
Microservice pattern: Client-side service discovery

iluwatar opened this issue · 8 comments

hello am from MLHhackathon open soucre week. can you assign me this

thanks for this, am jumping on it right away

I want to ask if can i use Spring Boot to implement the pattern as specified in the documentation just to be sure am on track. thanks

Yes, Spring Boot is perfectly fine. It has been used in some of the other patterns as well.

Hello, I just completed the task assigned to me. How do you suggest I create a PR because each microservices has its own folder? e.g. service-registry has its own folder directory, likewise the rest of the microservices I created. I was thinking if I could add all the microservice folders in a single folder, initialize git, and add a readme.Md file along with it and create a PR. I don't know if this suggestion is okay. please let me know which to follow. thanks

I think we could follow the approach taken in aggregator-microservices, see

Good day, @iluwatar. I hope you are doing well. Is there any article or guide I can follow on configuring the microservice parent pom.xml since I am following a similar pattern?[]. I could configure it but could not run it on my laptop. thanks