
Some fields from `.cmake-kits.json` get ignored?

i-ilak opened this issue ยท 6 comments

i-ilak commented

Describe the bug
I'm having trouble with the .cmake-kits.json configuration. I have a project and in its root I created the .cmake-kits.json file and I pasted the following configuration:

    "gcc Debug": {
        "cmake_src_dir": "~/test",
        "cmake_build_type": "Debug",
        "cmake_usr_args": {
            "CONAN": "ON",
        "cmake_build_dir": "~/build_folder_to_test_something",
        "cmake_build_args": {
            "parallel": "14"
        "generator": "Ninja"

The file gets correctly recognized by nvim, i.e. I can run :CMakeSelectKit gcc Debug and then I run :CMake. If I then run :CMakeInfo, half of the settings from above have been ignored (build type, build dir, build args).

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to empty folder and create minimal CMakeLists.txt, main.cpp, and .cmake-kits.json with the above content
  2. Open CMakeLists.txt in nvim and run :CMakeSelectKit gcc Debug and :CMake
  3. Run :CMakeInfo. You should now see this
    version:            3.22.1

    name:               example_project
    build type:         Release
    build directory:   ~/test/cmake-build-Release
    generator:          Ninja
    generation command: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G "Ninja"  -DCONAN_DISABLE_CHECK_COMPILER=ON -DCONAN=ON -B ~/test/cmake-build-Release -S ~/test
    build command:      cmake --build ~/test/cmake-build-Release --target all  -- -C ~/test/cmake-build-Release 

As you can see, anything related to the build config is not working.

Expected behavior
A configuration that corresponds to the specified .cmake-kits.json.

If I'm misunderstanding how the .cmake-kits.json should work, I apologize for the bug report and would appreciate some guidance on how to get it working.^^

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: macOS, Ubuntu
  • Editor: nvim
  • Version: NVIM v0.10.0-dev, Build type: RelWithDebInfo, LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3

Thank you for raising the issue.
I hope, the plugin makes your workflow easier!
We will take a look to your issue as soon as possible.๐Ÿ’–

The cmake-kits support/parse only a handful of options, for e.g. cmake_build_type and cmake_build_args I'd recommend using the g:cmake_variants variable.

As for the cmake_build_dir it's done through g:cmake_build_dir, or better yet through g:cmake_build_path_pattern so you can have simultaneous builds of different build types/compilers/etc.

The way I use it is:

  • select a cmake kit
  • select a build variant
  • run :CMake

These are just some of my build variants:

let g:cmake_variants =
    \   'debug-with-warnings': {
    \       'cmake_build_type' : 'Debug',
    \   },
    \   'debug': {
    \       'cmake_build_type' : 'Debug',
    \   },
    \   'release': {
    \       'cmake_build_type' : 'Release',
    \   }}

And these are some of my cmake_kits.json:

    "clang": {
        "compilers": {
            "C"   : "/usr/bin/clang",
            "CXX" : "/usr/bin/clang++"
        "query_driver" : "/usr/bin/clang++",
        "generator": "Ninja"
    "gcc": {
        "compilers": {
            "C"   : "/usr/bin/gcc",
            "CXX" : "/usr/bin/g++"
        "query_driver" : "/usr/bin/g++",
        "generator": "Ninja"

As for the cmake_build_path_pattern, I have this:

let g:cmake_build_path_pattern = [ '%s/workspace/build/%s/%s/%s', "$HOME, fnamemodify( getcwd(), ':t' ), g:cmake_selected_kit, g:cmake_build_type" ]

That way I get builds like:

  • ~/workspace/build/ProjectName/clang/debug
  • ~/workspace/build/ProjectName/clang/release
  • ~/workspace/build/ProjectName/gcc/debug-with-warnings
  • ~/workspace/build/AnotherProject/clang/debug-with-warnings
i-ilak commented

Hi @mark2185

I see, I didn't know that the .cmake-kits.json where limited in that sense. From the README here I just assumed that everything that was listed in terms of vim variables could be moved to the json-file. Sorry and thanks for the other suggestions!

The cmake_variants works perfectly but with the cmake_build_path_pattern I'm struggling a bit. Since I use nvim my configuration is in Lua, i.e. I translated you suggestion to this

vim.g.cmake_build_path_pattern = {
    vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.fn.getcwd(), ':t'),

Unfortunately, this still doesn't work. When I open the a file in the test folder, it evaluates the above expression to e.g. ~/iilak/prg/build_folders/test// since cmake_selected_kit and cmake_build_type are not yet set. So once I run :CMakeSelectKit gcc and :CMakeSelectBuildType debug it runs cmake, but the build folder is then still ~/test/cmake-build-debug, which seems to be the default pattern.

I'm sorry, I assume this is my inexperience with nvim that is causing this...

That's actually why both of the elements in g:cmake_build_path_pattern are strings, they're being eval'd at the time of use so it can "pick up" the g:cmake_selected_kit and g:cmake_build_type.

I'd suggest either writing that variable definition like this:

let g:cmake_build_path_pattern = [ '%s/iilak/prg/build_folders/%s/%s/%s', "$HOME, fnamemodify( getcwd(), ':t' ), g:cmake_selected_kit, g:cmake_build_type" ]

Or you could try writing it in lua, but as two strings, so just vim.g.cmake_build_path_pattern = { '%s/iilak/prg/build_folders/%s/%s/%s', "$HOME, fnamemodify( getcwd(), ':t' ), g:cmake_selected_kit, g:cmake_build_type" }, I think that could work too.

Since the plugin is written in vimscript I'm guessing the g:cmake_selected_kit and g:cmake_build_type in the second approach should work.

i-ilak commented

Hi @mark2185

Your Lua suggestion worked like a charm. Thanks a lot for the support! I'll close the issue, hope that works for you ๐Ÿ™Œ

Great! Glad to have helped! :)