
Consider clarifying that bounce works only in scrollMode: 'transform'

scriptype opened this issue ยท 0 comments

Hello, thanks for this useful library. Such a useful utility ๐Ÿ’›

I was trying to figure out why the bounce effect didn't work in my use-case, where I was using the scrollMode: 'native' option. I didn't realize that this was probably only available when used together with scrollMode: 'transform'.

I guess the emulateScroll option, similarly, also only makes sense when scrollMode is set to transform. Because, well, in native mode, the mousewheel works as usual, without needing to set this option to true.

So, not a big problem. I just thought that communicating this fact better could save people some time.

Again, thanks for the effort y'all,
Cheers โœŒ๏ธ