Automation Python script for automatically Giving tips to farcasters at event WildCard
- Register: WildCard
- Login using Warpcast / Farcaster
- Use invite code: SFgP01gjJG3D ( 5 Users Left )
- Windows: Python3
- Linux:
apt-get install python3 python3-pip
- Download or clone this script
- Install requirements by run
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run scrupt by
F12 at wildcard browser tab > Select Network > Search url name "" > Find Request Headers > Authorization Bearer eyJXXX > Copy ony "eyXXX" value
- Insert your token then run as your option:
- Option 1 : Send tips to other user(s)
- Option 2 : Send tips to random people casts on channel
This script is free and only for education purposes! Please do AT YOUR OWN RISK and DON'T SELL THIS CODE!