
Relevant result of "namcap jelly-desktop-1.0.0.pacman" + look at .INSTALL and .PKGINFO

FabioLolix opened this issue · 0 comments

jelly-desktop W: .INSTALL file runs a command provided by hooks.

update-mime-database /usr/share/mime || true
update-desktop-database /usr/share/applications || true

Are the one not necessary, while link creation can be done in the pkgbuild

jelly-desktop E: GPL-3.0 is not a common license (it's not in /usr/share/licenses/common/)

license typing is GPL3 in Arch packaging, an fpm artifact?

group = default

not needed, an fpm artifact?

jelly-desktop E: File (usr) is owned by 0:0
jelly-desktop E: File (usr/share) is owned by 0:0
jelly-desktop E: File (usr/share/icons) is owned by 0:0
jelly-desktop E: File (usr/share/icons/hicolor) is owned by 0:0
jelly-desktop E: File (usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128) is owned by 0:0

All files are owned by 0:0, from the Archwiki

# npm gives ownership of ALL FILES to build user
chown -R root:root "${pkgdir}"