
Weight receiving problem

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Am I doing everything right?

I attached weights to USB, they are appeared on COM6 port.

After I assigned this to weights in configurator:

And started server:

But when I put something on weights, no messages in web service:

After restart of weights and service something is coming in:

Current default setting adapts AWH-SA30 (A Chinese weigh scale model)
Any COM port weight scale should works with similar concept.
Please check regex in websocket-weigh.js and set regex which fit the output of your scale.

On my weights I am receiving symbols:

You know how to handle them?

Please use putty or other serial terminal to collect the output of your scale,
and then make a regex to match the output pattern.

For example, my scale output "ST,NT,+ 1.234kg" + line break in every single output, therefore:
weightRegex is "([0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{3})kg"
stableRegex is a regex boolean test to indicate if reading is stable

The case is that the scale I tested returning this on serial port:

Your's as I understand returning exact numbers?