
Barchart combined linechart (don't use Stack)

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Hi team,
I want to build 1 view about Barchart combined LineChart using your library (don't use Stack).

I'd like that functionality too.

Hi. I think we can introduce a new chart (for example called CombinedBarLineChart)
Does it work for you?
Do you think others need to have more complicated combinations? like Scatter and Line?

I think CombinedBarLineChart works and is also something that is pretty common. I have not seen other complicated combo charts.

+1 I would also love to have this combination

Hi. I think we can introduce a new chart (for example called CombinedBarLineChart) Does it work for you? Do you think others need to have more complicated combinations? like Scatter and Line?

Hi bro, I have worked on a few projects with charts that need line and bar charts combined. I think this is really necessary, not only for me, but for many other developers.

Hi. I think we can introduce a new chart (for example called CombinedBarLineChart) Does it work for you? Do you think others need to have more complicated combinations? like Scatter and Line?

CombinedBarLineChart is a very reasonable name. Thanks a lot.

does still not exist? can you suggest me a solution?

Any update?

Unfortunately not.

Hello @imaNNeoFighT
My project requires a BarLineChart, and I found out that there are a lot of bugs if I trying to interact with the graph stacked on each other. I'm kinda desperate needing this feature, and most of my existing graphs are using fl_chart.
So I am thinking on contributing on this package to build this feature, and I want to know how you want that to be implemented.

My plan is simply implement all the LineChart classes and add functions and components needed for bar charts, so basically it will looks pretty much a line-chart except if you make a flag on the LineChartBarData (probably set isBarChart to true), the specified LineChartBarData will be rendered as BarChart.

Please let me know if this approach works with the direction of the fl_chart.


I prefer to have a CombinedAxisChart, which accepts a list of AxisBased charts (such as Line, Bar, and Scatter) and draws them on top of each other.
Just like how the Stack widget works, but with less complexity than using a Stack.
We have an AxisChartScaffoldWidget which helps us a lot to implement this.

AxisChartScaffoldWidget is an internal widget in which we can put a Stack widget in the chart area to put some axis base charts on top of each other.

any update?

+1 ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

Looking forward to this feature, guys!

do have any update so far?

Is this being worked on? As requested by @martinkong0806, we would also prefer to have a CombinedAxisChart, which accepts a list of AxisBased charts (such as Line, Bar, and Scatter). We are looking for a well supported charting library to integrate into FML ( to replace our existing package and fl_chart seems best suited for that.

MaeF41 commented

I would appreciate having this feature too ๐Ÿ™

Hi, unfortunately, I couldn't find enough free time to do that yet.
Please stay tuned, you can also be my sponsor to motivate me, then I can put more of time into this project.

Hi guy, do you have any update about that?

The easiest option for me was just use a Stack and put one chart above the other. This is a little annoying because, depending of the aspect ratio, they change its positions differently.