
Your request contains invalid expire parameter. Expire parameter should be a Unix time in less than 1 hour into the future.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

after a while Node server returns the following:
Your request contains invalid expire parameter. Expire parameter should be a Unix time in less than 1 hour into the future.

The problem seems to be on the front end side and not this SDK. We will be happy to help you with this, please email us on

Even after manually generating a UNIX timestamp, the error still persist.

Hey, can you please send the request information on We will be able to help you there as this issue is not related to this SDK.

Also, I can assure you that the upload API (not related to this SDK) and token generation logic (related to this SDK) is fine. Because we use the exact same upload API in our media library and this SDK in backend for generating tokens and signature.