
This is the backend for the Airbnb react native mobile app clone

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is the backend for the Airbnb react native mobile app clone which you can find here

Docker commands

  • docker images - Lists all Docker images
  • docker container ls - Lists all Docker containers
  • docker rmi <image id> - Removes a Docker image
  • docker container stop <container id> - Stops a Docker container
  • docker exec -it <container id> mongo - Starts a mongodb shell in docker container if container is already running
  • docker run -it -p 28000:27017 --name <container name> mongo:latest mongo - Starts a mongodb shell in a docker container if container is not already running
  • docker-compose up - Runs the docker-compose.yml file and starts all containers
  • docker build . - Builds a Docker image