
Environment variables return null

m-ristau opened this issue · 2 comments

First of all: Thanks for this repository.

I had hard times to get the caching function to work.
Finally i figured out, it was a problem with my .env variables.
According to this.

I temporarily fixed this by putting the .env variables in a seperate config file.
For example the function widgetShouldUseCache in Imanghafoori\Widgets\Utils\Policies:
env('WIDGET_CACHE') returned here null.

 * The caching is turned off when:
 * 1- we are running tests
 * 2- have disabled it in .env file.
 * @return bool
public function widgetShouldUseCache()
    return (config('widget.cache') !== false) && (! app()->environment('testing'));
    // return (env('WIDGET_CACHE', false) !== false) && (! app()->environment('testing'));

Maybe there is another problem on my side, otherwise i would suggest to implement publishing a seperate config file.

Laravel: 5.2.*
PHP: 7.0.4

I am happy you are enjoying my work.

Of course I my self had the same issue but I did not found why the env function is behaving like that.
I will fix it in the next minor release.

Thank you for reporting it.
Any other suggestion or issue is welome

@ristaumedia I hope you find the fix in 1.8.0 version.