
Adjusting text brightness

in4matix opened this issue · 5 comments

Just wondering if there might be a way to tone down the brightness of text while the theme is installed, or would I have to re-install?

You can edit css in ~/.themes/Marble-...-... but it will take too much time.

However, you can change text color in colors.json here:

"_comment" : "Used as primary color in text",
"light" : {
"s" : 71,
"l" : 10,
"a" : 0.87
"dark" : {
"s" : 65,
"l" : 95,
"a" : 1
"_comment" : "Item description, time stamp",
"light" : {
"s" : 71,
"l" : 10,
"a" : 0.6
"dark" : {
"s" : 65,
"l" : 95,
"a" : 0.67
"_comment" : "No notifications, Searching..., etc. labels",
"light" : {
"s" : 71,
"l" : 10,
"a" : 0.38
"dark" : {
"s" : 65,
"l" : 95,
"a" : 0.38

and reinstall the theme.

s - saturation
l - lightness
a - transparency (alpha)

Sorry for replying after a week. Maybe I'll add the ability to change text color using the script later.

Okay... I'm not really sure what values to change to make the text less bright white to something that is a bit easier on the eyes. Basically I want to go from this:
Screenshot from 2024-02-04 23-05-00
To this (The "No Notifications" color) like a light grey...
Screenshot from 2024-02-04 23-05-39

I gotchu. Update both the light and dark sections of the TEXT-PRIMARY-COLOR value with the new a value of 0.38.

It should go from this

        "TEXT-PRIMARY-COLOR" : {
            "_comment" : "Used as primary color in text",

            "light" : {
                "s" : 71,
                "l" : 10,
                "a" : 0.87

            "dark" : {
                "s" : 65,
                "l" : 95,
                "a" : 1

to this

        "TEXT-PRIMARY-COLOR" : {
            "_comment" : "Used as primary color in text",

            "light" : {
                "s" : 71,
                "l" : 10,
                "a" : 0.38

            "dark" : {
                "s" : 65,
                "l" : 95,
                "a" : 0.38

0.58 is the magical value for me. Thank you! You rock dude. Love you brother.
P.s. Do you accept donations? If so, please send link.

You're welcome.
Thanks a lot but I don't accept donations at this time.