
Apple Silicon M1 Pro: Unable to load shared library ''

pieterdhondt opened this issue · 12 comments

Using code:

private async Task<string> GetThumbnailBase64(byte[] imageBytes)
       using (var b = new ImageJob())
            var r = await b.Decode(imageBytes)
                .EncodeToBytes(new MozJpegEncoder(50,true))

            var base64thumbnail = r.First.TryGetBytes().HasValue ? Convert.ToBase64String(r.First.TryGetBytes().Value) : null;
            return base64thumbnail;

I am not able to use the library on a Mac with M1 Pro on macOS 12.0.1.
It throws the following exception:

System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load shared library '' or one of its dependencies. In order to help diagnose loading problems, consider setting the DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES environment variable: dlopen(, 0x0001): tried: '' (no such file), '/usr/local/lib/' (no such file), '/usr/lib/' (no such file), '/Users/pieterdhondt/Git/topics-service/TopicsService.Api/' (no such file), '/usr/local/lib/' (no such file), '/usr/lib/' (no such file)
         at Imageflow.Bindings.UnixLoadLibrary.dlopen(String fileName, Int32 flags)
         at Imageflow.Bindings.UnixLoadLibrary.Execute(String fileName)
         at Imageflow.Bindings.NativeLibraryLoader.LoadLibrary(String fullPath, IntPtr& handle, Nullable`1& errorCode)
         at Imageflow.Bindings.NativeLibraryLoader.TryLoadByBasenameInternal(String basename, ILibraryLoadLogger log, IntPtr& handle, IEnumerable`1 customSearchDirectories)
         at Imageflow.Bindings.NativeLibraryLoader.TryLoadByBasename(String basename, ILibraryLoadLogger log, IntPtr& handle, IEnumerable`1 customSearchDirectories)
         at Imageflow.Bindings.NativeLibraryLoader.FixDllNotFoundException[T](String basename, Func`1 invokingOperation, IEnumerable`1 customSearchDirectories)
         at Imageflow.Bindings.JobContextHandle..ctor()
         at Imageflow.Bindings.JobContext..ctor()
         at Imageflow.Fluent.ImageJob.FinishAsync(JobExecutionOptions executionOptions, SecurityOptions securityOptions, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

The same code runs fine on Windows or within a Linux container.

Any advice?

internal static class UnixLoadLibrary
        // TODO: unsure if this works on Mac OS X; it might be libc instead
        [DllImport("libc.dylib", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
        private static extern IntPtr dlopen(string fileName, int flags);

Changing to libc.dylib fixes this issue. Then there will be an issue loading libimageflow. Haven't looked into that yet.

I think this would be a good use case for NativeLibrary.SetDllImportResolver

What version of .NET are you using? We try to support everything .NET Standard 2.0 does, which means a lot of hackery for every runtime and platform.

.NET 6.0 on M1 Mac

Same issue here, any suggestions @shane9 @pieterdhondt?

.NET 6.0.400 on M1 for me.

Hi, I have same issue (net7, M2).
Any news about when it will be fixed? It's nearly 2 years since when it was originaly reported.

lilith commented

Hi, I have the same issue (net7, M2). any updates????

lilith commented

I think it will be a little hard because most of the developers are in different countries.