This is a trail work mady by Hongyi Chen.
* Docker
* Docker-compose
- Cloning the repo from github
$ git clone
- Building an image and run the container
Under directory dev-ops
$ cd dev-ops
$ docker-compose up --build
It will create and run 2 containers. The 2 images contain following components:
hongyi_apache-php7.4 expose port 80 and include:
* apache
* php7.4
* nodeJs
* yarn
* symfony CLI
hongyi_mysql5.7 include:
* MySQL 5.7
* root password: password
* MySQL User: user,
* Password: user,
DB Name: user-db
To init the database tables, run commands:
$ docker exec -it hongyi_apache-php7.4
# cd trialwork/
# php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
# composer install
# yarn install
# yarn watch
- To start container:
$ docker-compose up
Now you can access project at http://localhost from your host system.
- To stop container:
$ docker-compose down
- To change in impressum content:
The imprint page content stores under {projcect}/data/imprint.csv
There are 2 solutions are implemented.
- Simple soulution
GET http://localhost/en/imprint.json
GET http://localhost/de/imprint.json
- Full solution (with API Platform)
To access the full REST API document interface under http://localhost/api
To get imprint in english as JSON:
GET http://localhost/api/portals/en.json
To get imprint in german as JSON:
GET http://localhost/api/portals/de.json
The value-object are stored unde {project}/src/ValueObject.
There 4 objects are created:
- User
- Address
- Geo
- Company
To access the user page under http://localhost/users
To run the unit test :
Enter the container from your host:
$ docker exec -it hongyi_apache-php7.4 bash
Switch to project directory
# cd trialwork
# ./bin/phpunit