
.every and testAll shows a wrong cause of error

ShaharMynd opened this issue · 2 comments

The Problem
When you testAll some data (array), it shows that it failed because TypeError: split(...).every is not a function

The expected behavior
The cause should be because that one of models was not good according to the schema.


var v8n = require('v8n');

const goodData = [{
    a: 'adasda'
}, {
    a: 'badassdd'

const badData = [{
    a: 'adasda'
}, {
    a: 123

const sampleSchema = {a: v8n().string()}

var badDataValidationError = v8n().every.schema(sampleSchema).testAll(badData);


var goodDataValidationError = v8n().every.schema(sampleSchema).testAll(goodData);

imbrn commented

Hey @ShaharMynd, thank you for your report. Sorry for the delay. I'll take a look at this as soon as possible.

imbrn commented

Actually, as you can see in the documentation about ValidationError object (, the cause property is related to the exception that was thrown during the validation process itself. So it's more related to debugging purposes.

The ValidationError object contains a rule property that is specific to what Rule have failed in the validation:

const badData = [
	{ a: 'adasda' },
	{ a: 123 }

const sampleSchema = {
	a: v8n().string()

var result = v8n()

  name: "schema",
  modifiers: [{ name: "every", ... }] },
  args: [{ a: ... }]

See that it also has some other useful properties that you can use, as modifiers, and args, which contain detailed information about what happened to the validation.