
fileDepsInfo.get is not a function or its return value is not iterable

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I ran into a fatal error when trying to get svlangserver up and running on Emacs with lsp-mode. The error happens for all SystemVerilog files shortly after the file is opened in Emacs and lsp-mode tries to run the server. Maybe you have an idea to what the problem is based on the logs from Emacs below.


        for (let fileDep of fileDepsInfo.get(file)) {

TypeError: fileDepsInfo.get is not a function or its return value is not iterable
    at SystemVerilogIndexer._incDepsRank (/usr/lib/node_modules/@imc-trading/svlangserver/lib/svindexer.js:292:42)
    at SystemVerilogIndexer._incDepsRank (/usr/lib/node_modules/@imc-trading/svlangserver/lib/svindexer.js:302:22)
    at /usr/lib/node_modules/@imc-trading/svlangserver/lib/svindexer.js:287:22
    at Map.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at SystemVerilogIndexer._updatePkgFilesInfo (/usr/lib/node_modules/@imc-trading/svlangserver/lib/svindexer.js:284:32)
    at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/usr/lib/node_modules/@imc-trading/svlangserver/lib/svindexer.js:198:22)
    at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:365:28)
    at emit (node:internal/child_process:920:12)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:84:21)

Process svlangserver stderr finished


Command "/usr/bin/svlangserver" is present on the path.
Command "hdl_checker --lsp" is present on the path.
Command "/usr/bin/svlangserver" is present on the path.
Command "hdl_checker --lsp" is present on the path.
Found the following clients for /home/cbs/etc/example_code/systemverilog/ (server-id svlangserver, priority -1), (server-id lsp-verilog, priority -2)
The following clients were selected based on priority: (server-id svlangserver, priority -1)
This server does not support foldingRangeProvider
INFO: settings[systemverilog.includeIndexing] = **/*.{sv,svh}
INFO: settings[systemverilog.excludeIndexing] = test/**/*.{sv,svh}
INFO: settings[systemverilog.launchConfiguration] = /usr/bin/verilator -sv --lint-only -Wall
INFO: settings[systemverilog.defines] = 
INFO: settings[systemverilog.lintOnUnsaved] = true
INFO: settings[systemverilog.formatCommand] = /usr/bin/verible-verilog-format
INFO: settings[systemverilog.disableCompletionProvider] = false
INFO: settings[systemverilog.disableHoverProvider] = false
INFO: settings[systemverilog.disableSignatureHelpProvider] = false
INFO: settings[systemverilog.disableLinting] = false
INFO: Indexing 87 files ...
INFO: Loaded cached index for 87 files
INFO: Done indexing 115 files!!!
INFO: Took 770.2585819996893 milliseconds


LSP :: svlangserver:211705 initialized successfully in folders: (/home/cbs/etc/example_code/systemverilog)
LSP :: svlangserver has exited (exited abnormally with code 1)
Server svlangserver:211705 exited with status exit(check corresponding stderr buffer for details). Do you want to restart it? (y or n) n

Software versions

$ uname -a
Linux carbon 5.12.2-1-MANJARO #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri May 7 17:53:15 UTC 2021 x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ svlangserver -v
Version is 0.3.2
$ emacs --version
GNU Emacs 28.0.50
$ lsp-mode


  (require 'lsp-verilog)
   '(lsp-clients-svlangserver-launchConfiguration "/usr/bin/verilator -sv --lint-only -Wall")
   '(lsp-clients-svlangserver-formatCommand "/usr/bin/verible-verilog-format"))
  (add-hook 'verilog-mode-hook #'lsp-deferred)

Wondering if the cache is corrupted somehow. Can you please try deleting the .emacs/.svlangserver directory in your workspace folder and then re-invoking emacs ? Do you see any errors in the lsp-log on the first invocation after deletion of cache?


No I get the same error after deleting .emacs. Here is the output of lsp-log (but opening a file in a folder with fewer source files than before)

Command "/usr/bin/svlangserver" is present on the path.
Command "hdl_checker --lsp" is present on the path.
Command "/usr/bin/svlangserver" is present on the path.
Command "hdl_checker --lsp" is present on the path.
Found the following clients for /home/cbs/tmp/sv/ (server-id svlangserver, priority -1), (server-id lsp-verilog, priority -2)
The following clients were selected based on priority: (server-id svlangserver, priority -1)
This server does not support foldingRangeProvider
INFO: settings[systemverilog.includeIndexing] = **/*.{sv,svh}
INFO: settings[systemverilog.excludeIndexing] = test/**/*.{sv,svh}
INFO: settings[systemverilog.launchConfiguration] = /usr/bin/verilator -sv --lint-only -Wall
INFO: settings[systemverilog.defines] = 
INFO: settings[systemverilog.lintOnUnsaved] = true
INFO: settings[systemverilog.formatCommand] = /usr/bin/verible-verilog-format
INFO: settings[systemverilog.disableCompletionProvider] = false
INFO: settings[systemverilog.disableHoverProvider] = false
INFO: settings[systemverilog.disableSignatureHelpProvider] = false
INFO: settings[systemverilog.disableLinting] = false
INFO: Indexing 6 files ...
INFO: Done indexing 8 files!!!
INFO: Took 333.5421319976449 milliseconds

I looked into if it's a specific one of my source files that is causing the error but it doesn't seem like it. I reduced my source catalog to two files that individually doesn't cause the error, but when both present it happens. I don't have them uploaded anywhere but I can paste them below in case you want to try and reproduce the error.

package common_pkg;
  parameter TEST_PARAM = 12;
  int test_int = 14;

  typedef struct packed {
    logic        a;
    logic        b;
  } mytype2_t;

endpackage // common_pkg

`include "";
import common_pkg::*;

module testmodule (
  input logic                    clk_i,
  input [$clog2(TEST_PARAM)-1:0] aa_i,
  input logic                    a_i,
  output logic [1:0]             b_o

  mytype2_t my;

  initial begin
    my.a = 0;
    my.b = 0;

  always @(posedge clk_i) begin
    undeclared_var <= 1'b1;

    my.a <= 1'b1;
    my.b <= 1'b1;
  logic undeclared_var;

  always_comb begin
    tmpa = tmpb;
    tmpb = 1;
  logic tmpa;
  logic tmpb;

endmodule // testmodule

Thanks. I will check this out on my end.

May I ask why the is being included at the top? This will cause the tool to lint that file twice.

If you exclude the from indexing (using the systemverilog.excludeIndexing setting), does that cause the error to go away?

These files are just a collection of SystemVerilog files I keep to test with different language servers and Emacs configurations. I didn't write all of them myself and some might even contain syntax errors.
But from your comment it looks like it's triggered by common_pkg being included twice. If I delete the first line of with `include I don't get the error anymore.

That is a good confirmation that the double linting might be an issue. I will look into fixing the error. Meanwhile hopefully this workaround is ok for you.

Fixed in 0.3.4 release.