
area based is toggle check and update is possible?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I will work on a part of computer image and using toggle feature. When user click on a part, open a modal and user choose a option for that part. Its working as well but components on image too close each others. I want to user can confirm selection. If user miss click on object, user can say oh its miss click take toggle back.

is toggle update possible?


Hello @muhammetbilgin, It is possible in the new release, please checkout.

Hi @NishargShah, i just take a look but i don't understand how its possible. I tried update area's active value but its not effect. Sorry, can u explain it ?

Hello @muhammetbilgin, Can you please provide me the codesandbox of it, so I can reformat it?

Due to no example from the @muhammetbilgin, I am closing it.