wsl 2 wslpath -m "No such file or directory"
k4fka opened this issue · 4 comments
I'm running ubunu and WSL v2. When pasting an image from the clipboard I was getting an error thrown by the wslpath command. When this command is executed to resolve a path of a nonexistent file you get a "No such file or directory" error. This happens when trying to resolve the path AND the new image name.
I was able to work around this by resolving the folder path first and then appending the new image name
33 function! s:SaveFileTMPWSL(imgdir, tmpname) abort
34 let folder_path = substitute(system("wslpath -m ".a:imgdir), '\n\+$', '', '')
35 let tmpfile = folder_path . '/' . a:tmpname . '.png'
38 let clip_command = "Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms;"
39 let clip_command .= "if ([Windows.Forms.Clipboard]::ContainsImage()) {"
40 let clip_command .= "[Windows.Forms.Clipboard]::GetImage().Save(\\\""
41 let clip_command .= tmpfile ."\\\", [System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat]::Png) }"
42 let clip_command = "powershell.exe -sta \"".clip_command. "\""
44 call system(clip_command)
45 if v:shell_error == 1
46 echo "error"
47 return 1
48 else
49 return tmpfile
50 endif
51 endfunction
Hi! So in WSL 2 the old method is changed, right? Can you please open a PR adding this check as an additional for WSL?
Want to try using this patch to see if it resolves your issues? If anyone with WSL wants to test please let me know so we can merge #36.
I'll close the issue as the corresponding pr is merged. If any bug reappear, feel free to open