
feat: add types declaration file

luqven opened this issue · 8 comments


related issues: imgix/js-core#308
react-imgix types example:

It would be useful to add a .d.ts file in the dist folder so that TypeScript users can do type checking/leverage IDE auto-completion for imgix params.

The declaration file should match react-style params and include a declaration for every param available in dist/parameters.json

I've had a go at this here: Happy to make changes over there then hand it over upstream if it seems a suitable fit.

EDIT: The generated types look like this

Hi @JamieMason, thank you so much for having a go at this issue! We'll give it a proper look once the team is back after the holidays.

Hey @JamieMason, thanks for putting in the time to build this out. I had a look through the project and tinkered with it locally - to me it work really well! For next steps, we'd need to work this into the build pipeline in an upstream project that outputs the distributables for imgix-url-params. To that end, would you be willing to transfer ownership of this project so that we can integrate it?

Also happy to discuss attribution and/or throw some imgix credits your way for the time you spent here. Feel free to reach out to me at to discuss that further if desired.

Sounds good, I've sent an invite to @sherwinski to be a collaborator on that repo, you should then be able to transfer ownership from there when you're ready.

@JamieMason thank you for the invite. Looks like I only have push access to the repo and might need higher permission (like admin) to initiate the transfer.

I don't see any permissions options, I've sent a transfer request to you instead so you can transfer it on again to imgix 👍

Perfect, it's transferred over now. Thanks again for all your help 🎉

You're welcome