
Errors while removing background on deployed server

Rolstenhouse opened this issue · 11 comments

When I attempt to remove the background from a file on my server I get the following issue

corrupted size vs. prev_size
free(): invalid size
munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer

Have not been able to identify what triggers which, but feels like it might be an issue with the ML image (I'm using the small one)

Docker host: 20.10.12 linux x86_64
Node version: Node.js v21.6.2
Package version: 1.4.4

Same issue

Would you be open to share the minimal example as I cannot reproduce it.

Sure - here's some more context


         mediaUrl = ""
          try {
            ort.env.debug = true;
            ort.env.logLevel = "warning";

  "Removing background for image", { mediaUrl });
            const localPath = `file://${process.cwd()}/public/imgly/`;
  "localPath", { localPath });
            const blob: Blob = await removeBackground(mediaUrl, {
                process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"
                  ? "file:///myapp/public/imgly/"
                  : localPath,
              // publicPath: "",
              debug: true,
              model: "small",
              progress: (key, current, total) => {
                logger.warn(`Downloading ${key}: ${current} of ${total}`);
            buffer = Buffer.from(await blob.arrayBuffer());
          } catch (error) {
            logger.error("Error while removing background for image", {
              errorMessage: error.message,
              errorStack: error.stack,
        // Write the buffer to S3
        if (buffer) {
          // Upload to S3
"Uploading image to S3", {
            info: {
              key: mediaSid!,
              contentType: "image/png",
              userId: user?.autoId || 0,
              buffer: buffer.length,
          backgroundRemovedImage = await uploadImageToS3({
            key: mediaSid!,
            contentType: "image/png",
            userId: user?.autoId || 0,

Here's a screenshot of the logs (and included a CSV with the log output)

Also note: this snippet includes the local file path, but I also ran into this issue when referencing the hosted model.

Deployed server is running on btw (not sure if that might be an issue)


My server is running on digital ocean with the same issue.
Droplet info:
Ubuntu 23.10 x64
Node 20
No gpu

I get the same error on WSL2 (Ubuntu).

Could be related to "onnxruntime-node" or WASM and the fact that TensorFlow and the model need a GPU and on server or a remote environment they are not available ?

I noticed that in the source, the function:

async function createOnnxSession(model, config) {
  if (config.debug) {
    ort.env.debug = true;
    ort.env.logLevel = "verbose";
    console.debug("ort.env.wasm:", ort.env.wasm);

on my WSL2 environment actually prints an empty object to the console:

fetch /models/medium 100%
ort.env.wasm: {}
free(): invalid size


onnxruntime-node should work without a GPU.
ort.env.wasm seems wrong and the Node Version does not yet support the wasm backend.
So it seems ok that it's empty.

I have no access to such a machine at the moment, so unfortunately I cannot reproduce the error.
Also, I have no idea what the cause is.

Thanks for looking into it. For other devs that might encounter this, I used a different package: rembg on replicate and just paid the small out of pocket cost.