
Output Image gets rotated

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm running the node version, with a very simples program just to test it out and a lot of images get rotated, here's an example:


Here's my code;

const fs = require('fs');

async function saveBlobToDisk(blob, outputPath) {
  try {
      const buffer = Buffer.from(await blob.arrayBuffer());
      fs.writeFileSync(outputPath, buffer);
      return 0;
  } catch (error) {
      return 1;

async function remove(imgSource, outputPath) {
    let blob = await removeBackground(imgSource)
    saveBlobToDisk(blob, outputPath);

await remove('input.jpg', 'output.png');

Is this somehow an issue with my code, or is it a bug?

I don't think Github compresses uploaded images, so my original file can be used for testing purposes.

I discovered the same issue, as for what i figured out, when running in the browser the exif orientation is respected and used for the output, when running via node the rotation is ignored and the pixeldata is returned as given, my current solution is to pre-process the image and apply respective orientation before handing it to the node process.