
Can I compare image against two images?

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I want to do this:

  1. First, compare imageC with imageA (true/false)
  2. if it is false, then compare imageC with imageB (true/false)

Is that possible within this function?

if (jQuery('.portlet-queryRecordSearchResult').length) {
      jQuery('.arena-record-cover a img').each(function(){
        var thisImage = jQuery(this),
        thisImageUrl = thisImage.attr('src'),
        sameImage = false,
        rembrandt = new Rembrandt({
          imageA: '/documents/15189/0/portletResources01.jpg',
          imageB: '/documents/15189/0/portletResources02.jpg',
          imageC: thisImageUrl,
          // Needs to be one of Rembrandt.THRESHOLD_PERCENT or Rembrandt.THRESHOLD_PIXELS
          thresholdType: Rembrandt.THRESHOLD_PERCENT,
          // The maximum threshold (0...1 for THRESHOLD_PERCENT, pixel count for THRESHOLD_PIXELS
          maxThreshold: 0,
          // Maximum color delta (0...255):
          maxDelta: 20,
          // Maximum surrounding pixel offset
          maxOffset: 0
        function isSameImage(sameImage) {
          if (sameImage) {
            thisImage.css('border', '2px solid red');
          } else {
        // Run the comparison
          .then(function (result) {