
Continuous integration server for gitlabhq | Coordinator

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

GitLab CI is an open-source continuous integration server

  • build status
  • Code Climate
  • Dependency Status
  • Coverage Status



GitLab CI is designed for the Linux operating system.

GitLab CI officially supports (recent versions of) these Linux distributions:

  • Ubuntu Linux
  • Debian/GNU Linux

Additionally GitLab CI requires:

  • ruby 1.9.3
  • MySQL or PostgreSQL

This version (3.x) is designed for GitLab 5.3+.

If you want to use GitLab CI without GitLab or with older versions you need to use 2-2-stable

How it works

GitLab CI is a web application with API and connect to db. It manage projects/builds and provide a nice user interface. It uses GitLab application to authenticate users.

GitLab CI Runner is a pure ruby application which process builds. It can be deployed separately and work with GitLab CI through API.

In order to run tests you need at least 1 GitLab CI instance and 1 GitLab CI Runner. However, for running several builds at the same time you may want to setup more than one GitLab CI Runner.

Possible Cases:

  • 1 GitLab CI and N GitLab CI Runner instances on same machine
  • 1 GitLab CI and N GitLab CI Runner instances on different machines
  • 1 GitLab CI and N GitLab CI Runner instances on local machines



Getting help