We implement our property-based test on three common POS tagging tools (e.g., spaCy, NLTK, and Flair) with a series of python scripts.
All the code is stored in the folder MRs
(the OntoNotes5.0 dataset can be downloaded from https://catalog.ldc.upenn.edu/LDC2013T19)
- run
to execute 100 tests with MR1-1 on three POS tagging tools
python MR1-1.py \
--tool_name name/of/tool/under/test \
--ontonotes5_test_file_path path/to/ontonotes5.0/test/file
--follow_up_inputs_csv_file_path path/to/follow/up/inputs/file
--violations_csv_file_path path/to/output/violations/file
- run
to execute 100 tests with MR1-2 on three POS tagging tools
python MR1-2.py \
--tool_name name/of/tool/under/test \
--ontonotes5_test_file_path path/to/ontonotes5.0/test/file
--follow_up_inputs_csv_file_path path/to/follow/up/inputs/file
--violations_csv_file_path path/to/output/violations/file
- run
to execute 100 tests with MR2-1 on three POS tagging tools
python MR2-1.py \
--tool_name name/of/tool/under/test \
--ontonotes5_test_file_path path/to/ontonotes5.0/test/file
--follow_up_inputs_csv_file_path path/to/follow/up/inputs/file
--violations_csv_file_path path/to/output/violations/file
- run
to execute 100 tests with MR2-2 on three POS tagging tools
python MR2-2.py \
--tool_name name/of/tool/under/test \
--ontonotes5_test_file_path path/to/ontonotes5.0/test/file
--follow_up_inputs_csv_file_path path/to/follow/up/inputs/file
--violations_csv_file_path path/to/output/violations/file
We provide the raw test result files.
All the data are stored in the folder results
┝━━ flair
│ ┝━━ MR1-1
│ │ follow_input.csv: follow-up inputs of 100 eligible test case.
│ │ violation.csv: detail information of the violated cases.
│ ┝━━ MR1-2: (content structure is similar to above.)
│ ┝━━ MR2-1: (content structure is similar to above.)
│ ┕━━ MR2-2: (content structure is similar to above.)
┝━━ spacy: (content structure is similar to above.)
┕━━ nltk: (content structure is similar to above.)
If you find our paper useful, please kindly cite it as:
author={Jin, Shuo and Chen, Songqiang and Xie, Xiaoyuan},
booktitle={2021 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE)},
title={Property-based Test for Part-of-Speech Tagging Tool},