Run code in your local

To run code in your local

git clone
# install node on your own
cd shippit-backend-test
npm install

# to run test
npm run test
# to run app similar to how GreekTrust does
npm start --silent ./samples/file1.txt


  • Name is unique
  • Child should has both father and mother


Storing data

Below is the entity schema for storing data

Field Datatype Default value Description Required
id Text Same value with the name Entity PK Yes
name Text Person name Yes
gender Text Only accept Female or Male Yes
spouse Text Spouse person Id No
mother Text Mother id No
father Text Father id No

Data is loaded through the data.

Data Structure

  • Data will be loaded to memory when app starting
  • We will build whole family member as a Tree with the structure as bellow
enum Gender {
  Male = 'Male',
  Female = 'Female'

interface FamilyTreeNode {
  id: string
  name: string
  gender: Gender
  spouse?: FamilyTreeNode
  father?: FamilyTreeNode
  mother?: FamilyTreeNode
  children: FamilyTreeNode[]
  • We assume that the first record that we retrieve from the database is always the King Arthur.


Below are all the layers in our app

  • geektrust.ts: entry file
  • app.ts: the main function of the app. I break it this way to write end-to-end test
  • data: data access layer. Can be easily changed to use ORM or any data source
  • models: the domain model of the app, in this case is the Leganburu Family
  • services: contain all the services and command (ADD_CHILD, GET_RELATIONSHIP), in which excavate information from the domain-models

Something to highlight

  • The name of the Queen is inconsistent. Found Margret and Margaret. I use Margret as in the chart
  • The complexity of the algo after the family tree has been builded is O(1)
  • All the components in the code are loose-coupling, each of them talk to other using its interface
  • A few design patterns have been used: Command, Strategy
  • And for datatype: Tree, Map (alternative to indexes in DB)
  • This code does not need to be builded before running test, that is a bit different with