
Skip fetching unknown actors when on some events

ClearlyClaire opened this issue · 3 comments

It may make sense for to skip fetching unknown actors on certain events, such as:

  • a Delete where the actor and the object are one and the same: this is how Mastodon signals account deletions, so fetching the actor would not work (since it is deleted already), and since you don't know the actor, you have nothing to delete
  • an Update where the actor and the object are one and the same: if you don't know the actor already, you probably don't need to process their profile updates

A contribution for this change would be welcome. Or, we're available for hire if you prefer:

transferred to the underlying library where this would apply

The relevant code is here:

async function verifySignature (req, res, next) {
const apex =
try {
if (!req.get('authorization') && !req.get('signature')) {
if ('env') !== 'development') {
apex.logger.warn('Request rejected: missing http signature')
return res.status(401).send('Missing http signature')
const actor = await apex.resolveObject(apex.actorIdFromActivity(req.body))
res.locals.apex.sender = actor
return next()
const sigHead = httpSignature.parse(req)
const signer = await apex.resolveObject(sigHead.keyId)
const valid = httpSignature.verifySignature(sigHead, signer.publicKey[0].publicKeyPem[0])
if (!valid) {
apex.logger.warn('Request rejected: invalid http signature')
return res.status(403).send('Invalid http signature')
res.locals.apex.sender = signer
} catch (err) {
if (req.body.type.toLowerCase() === 'delete' && /^(410|404)/.test(err.message)) {
// user delete message that can't be verified because we don't have the user cached
return res.status(200).send()
apex.logger.warn('error during signature verification', err.message)
return res.status(500).send()

Thank you for solving this issue!