
TPAC Discussion Topics

AdaRoseCannon opened this issue · 5 comments

  • Intro & Demos (@zachernuk)
  • Specifying an image-based light is important, which also requires the inclusion of a high-dynamic range image format, which aren't currently supported in any browser AFAIK (.hdr, .exr)
  • Camera controls, being able to move the pivot point rather than just tumbling around the world origin.
  • Extra Camera controls? 2D browsers might want to control FOV etc, (it's probably best for 3D ones not to)
  • Can they have background images? BG color yes. Can the portal be transparent?
  • Do we want to expect visible transport controls, or will it all be done in custom JS?
  • Ground shadows?
grorg commented

If there is time I'd like to give an intro that explains Apple's rationale, now that we can describe things in terms of visionOS (as well as the direction we hope immersive web experiences head).

Yes of course. There is definitely time.