
unable to install

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I asm trying to use the vault-ethereum plugin but cannot install it. Every time i install it the vault server keeps repeating :

2020-03-19T11:38:37.212+0700 [INFO]  expiration: revoked lease: lease_id=sys/wrapping/wrap/h66def96317ed5b8c029b9c2b513ee711a663e404ac398f957f7c5e0391f22041
2020-03-19T11:38:41.361+0700 [ERROR] secrets.ethereum-plugin.ethereum-plugin_4e079605.ethereum-plugin.vault-ethereum: plugin tls init: error="error during token unwrap request: Put https://localhost:8200/v1/sys/wrapping/unwrap: http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client" timestamp=2020-03-19T11:38:41.360+0700
2020-03-19T11:38:41.364+0700 [ERROR] rollback: error rolling back: path=ethereum/ error="Unrecognized remote plugin message: 

This usually means that the plugin is either invalid or simply
needs to be recompiled to support the latest protocol."

or when i use vaut 0.10.3:

2020-03-19T13:55:05.703+0700 [INFO ] expiration: revoked lease: lease_id=sys/wrapping/wrap/877def536752b790b5627b8e4213cf434e3e1704
2020-03-19T13:55:09.806+0700 [ERROR] secrets.plugin.plugin_01a467aa.ethereum-plugin.vault-ethereum: plugin tls init: error="error during token unwrap request: Put https://localhost:8200/v1/sys/wrapping/unwrap: http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client" timestamp=2020-03-19T13:55:09.805+0700
2020-03-19T13:55:09.809+0700 [ERROR] rollback: error rolling back: path=ethereum/ error="plugin exited before we could connect"


I downloaded the release with:

 wget --progress=bar:force -O ./

I unzip it move vault-ethereum to etc/vault.d/vault_plugins.

I launch the vault, unseal it and install the plugin with:

vault write sys/plugins/catalog/ethereum-plugin sha_256="$(cat SHA256SUM)" command="vault-ethereum"
Success! Data written to: sys/plugins/catalog/ethereum-plugin

e3nable the plugin:

vault secrets enable -path=ethereum -plugin-name=ethereum-plugin plugin
Success! Enabled the ethereum-plugin plugin at: ethereum/

everything seems to work but the server starts to send the message in the description. About once per minute.

I tried with several different versions of the vault and the plugin but the only difference is the error message for the 0.10.3. version of vault (see description)


my vault.hlc file is:

"backend" "file" {
  "path" = "/Users/infoatato/etc/vault.d/data"

"api_addr" = "https://localhost:8200"

"listener" "tcp" {
  "address" = "localhost:8200"

"plugin_directory" = "/Users/infoatato/etc/vault.d/vault_plugins"

I am on macOs Catalina version 10.15.3