A collection of architectural decision records from the book Microservices Up & Running. These decision records use Michael Nygard's LADR format
- OPM-1: Decision tracking
- OPM-2: Limit Team Size
- OPM-3: Define Team Principles
- OPM-4: Team Design Phase
- OPM-5: Microservice Ownership
- INF-1: Infrastructure as code
- INF-2: Use Terraform for Infrastructure Changes
- INF-3: Use a CICD Pipeline for Infrastructure Changes
- INF-4: Use Github Actions for CI/CD Pipelines
- INF-5: Use Github for Code Management
- INF-6: Host Microservices in AWS
- INF-7: One Repository Per Environment
- INF-8: Use a Managed Kubernetes Service
- INF-9: Deploy Microservices Using a GitOps Deployment Tool
- INF-10: Implement a Traefik Ingress Controller
- INF-11: Use Shared and Managed Database Services
- MSD-1: Use Standard Design Process
- MSD-2: Scope Design Using Key Actors
- MSD-3: Use Jobs as the Unit of Analysis
- MSD-4: Use the Standard Job Story Format
- MSD-5: Use PlantUML to Discover Interaction Patterns
- MSD-6: Seperate Service Endpoints into Commands and Queries
- MSD-7: Colect Feedback on your Service Designs
- MSD-8: Web APIs are Layered on Top of Microservices
- MSD-9: Use Event Storming Instead of Formal DDD
- MSD-10: Microservices Can Share Physical Database Clusters