
Negative values in NUMBER_RANGE

tonypizzicato opened this issue · 7 comments

Working with negative numbers is broken in NUMBER_RANGE filters.
$main.filter($[2015-12-17T00:01:00.000Z,2015-12-18T00:01:00.000Z)).and($[-1,12]))).split($Region,SEGMENT,main).apply(count,$main.count()).sort($count,descending).limit(101) gives empty result, while same request with $[0,12]) not. Such requests worked in 0.8.12 version, for example.

Hi![-1,12]) is actually treated as “in the set of [-1, 12](that is, will return false unless the Latitude. is either -1 or 12) It's possible you saw results with [0, 12] because there were matches for 0?

If you want to see if it’s in a range you’ll want to use, 12)

I'm a bit stumped as to why this would have worked in 0.8.12 though..

Actually i'm working with pivot and i've made a range filter menu where i use NumberRange filter and its fromJS() method

  bounds = { start: searchFrom, end: searchTo, bounds: '[]' };

  var clause = new FilterClause({
    expression: dimension.expression,
    selection:  r(NumberRange.fromJS(bounds))

  return filter.setClause(clause);

and the result request from pivot is

  "version":    "0.8.24",
  "dataSource": "static",
  "expression": {
    "op":         "chain",
    "expression": { "op": "literal", "value": [{}], "type": "DATASET" },
    "actions":    [{
      "action":     "apply",
      "expression": {
        "op":         "chain",
        "expression": { "op": "ref", "name": "main" },
        "action":     {
          "action":     "filter",
          "expression": {
            "op":         "chain",
            "expression": { "op": "ref", "name": "time" },
            "actions":    [{
              "action":     "in",
              "expression": {
                "op":    "literal",
                "value": { "start": "2015-12-17T00:01:00.000Z", "end": "2015-12-18T00:01:00.000Z" },
                "type":  "TIME_RANGE"
            }, {
              "action":     "and",
              "expression": {
                "op":         "chain",
                "expression": { "op": "ref", "name": "Latitude" },
                "action":     {
                  "action":     "in",
                  "expression": {
                    "op":    "literal",
                    "value": { "start": -1, "end": 100, "bounds": "[]" },
                    "type":  "NUMBER_RANGE"
      "name":       "main"
    }, {
      "action":     "apply",
      "expression": { "op": "chain", "expression": { "op": "ref", "name": "main" }, "action": { "action": "count" } },
      "name":       "count"
  "timezone":   "Etc/UTC"

so, the plyql query above is just my debug output on server side, i mean it was converted to


by ex = Expression.fromJS(expression); console.log(ex.toString())

Actually, i've encountered an error after updating pivot from 0.7.28 to 0.8.24 and plywood 0.8.12 to the latest.

Sorry if it's not the right place for the issue, but i just checked my prev version on the app and it makes exactly the same request to the server, but receives non-empty result, as it should be.

Is there a chance that

"action":     {
    "action":     "in",
    "expression": {
        "op":    "literal",
        "value": { "start": -1, "end": 100, "bounds": "[]" },
        "type":  "NUMBER_RANGE"

was mistakenly converted to $[-1,12]) (a set type) instead of .in(-1, 12) on server by plywood and there is a bug in Expression.fromJS(expression) for NUMBER_RANGE?

Hi! Sorry for the late response to this, was able to reproduce this and am looking into it!

Hi just an update on this:
.in(NUMBER_RANGE) translates to a filter in Druid that uses alphanumeric comparisons, and alphanumeric comparisons struggle with making sense of “-“.

We’ve requested to allow for numeric comparisons here:


In the meantime we’ll change plywood so it doesn’t translate to the filter that uses alphanumeric comparisons.

hi this should be fixed in plywood 0.10.21. Could you try and reopen this issue if it does not work

Works great, thanks!