
No exported names found in module 'prettier' in an ESM project

andersk opened this issue · 5 comments

In an ESM project (.mjs or "type": "module"), eslint-plugin-import can’t find any exports in the prettier package. On import * as prettier from "prettier";, the import/namespace rule complains “No exported names found in module 'prettier'”. Similarly, on import prettier from "prettier";, the import/default rule complains ‘No default export found in imported module "prettier"’.

Complete reproducible example:


import eslintImport from "eslint-plugin-import";

export default [
  { languageOptions: { ecmaVersion: "latest" } },


import * as prettier from "prettier";

(async () => {
  console.log(await prettier.format("x=1", { filepath: "test.js" }));
$ npm i eslint eslint-plugin-import prettier

$ npm list
test@ /tmp/test
├── eslint-plugin-import@2.31.0
├── eslint@9.14.0
└── prettier@3.3.3

$ node foo.mjs
x = 1;

$ npx eslint foo.mjs

  1:8   error  No exported names found in module 'prettier'         import/namespace
  4:30  error  'format' not found in imported namespace 'prettier'  import/namespace

✖ 2 problems (2 errors, 0 warnings)
  • Reopened by request from #3069.

This plugin uses resolve, which doesn't yet support the exports field.

prettier's main points to, which is a CJS file with a single default export.

In other words, as far as the plugin's concerned, you'd need to import prettier from 'prettier'. In node, the native import would point to, which seems to support that same pattern (it would also work with import * as, of course)

What happens if you change how you're importing it?

I tried that above:

Similarly, on import prettier from "prettier";, the import/default rule complains ‘No default export found in imported module "prettier"’.

$ npx eslint foo.mjs

  1:8  error  No default export found in imported module "prettier"  import/default

✖ 1 problem (1 error, 0 warnings)

aha, well then that's certainly not a viable workaround :-)

Also, the plugin does not complain about import * as on other CJS-only modules. (At runtime, such an import causes Node to create a namespace wrapper with a default key, and possibly other keys via cjs-module-lexer.)

It's likely some complex interaction with the combination of main, module, exports, and ESM-transpiled output used in prettier specifically.