
Getting migration issue when using azure cosmos db with hangfire

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var migrationOptions = new MongoMigrationOptions
Strategy = MongoMigrationStrategy.Migrate,
BackupStrategy = MongoBackupStrategy.Collections
var storageOptions = new MongoStorageOptions
MigrationOptions = migrationOptions,
ConnectionCheckTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(100),
// Azure cosomos db connection string GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.UseMongoStorage("mongodb://username:password@azure_url/?ssl=true&sslAllowInvalidCertificates=true", "ApplicationDatabase", storageOptions);

could not complete migration. Never acquired lock within allowed time: 00:01:00
Either another server did not complete the migration or migration was abruptly interrupted"

Just in case, if the above config is wrong, how to get the auth token below ( i have username and password from azure cosmos DB connections strings)
var storageOptions = new DocumentDbStorageOptions
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.UseAzureDocumentDbStorage("azuredburl", "what is this??", "ApplicationDatabase", "collectionname in cosmos db", storageOptions);

please let me know

U need to pass the primary key i.e authSecret
