
Most of cssFx not working in IE, Webkit

rockerest opened this issue · 3 comments

The following page is presented as a demo:

I am using (on Windows 7):

Firefox 8.0
Safari 5.1
Chrome 14
Opera 11.11
Internet Explorer 9.0

In the example, I have used a background gradient with multiple stops, a transform with rotation, and a box shadow.

In Internet Explorer, none of these effects appear.
In Safari and Chrome, only the box shadow appears.
In Firefox and Opera, all effects appear as expected.

In Chrome ONLY, the inserted <style> tag contains the function found on line 41 of the uncompressed script (following prototype.IndexOf=), and nothing else.
In Safari and Internet Explorer, the (expected) inserted script tag is not ever inserted.

Are the IE, Safari, Chrome problems known bugs?

Regarding IE:

  • Your demo doesn't have a doctype, throwing the browser into quirks mode. Once standards mode is enabled, the transform and box shadow appear.
  • Linear gradient support with multiple stops doesn't exist in IE<10. The filter substitute will be implemented shortly.

Regarding Safari (only box shadow):

  • This is a recurring bug I've seen with the regex where a one-rule CSS file doesn't get parsed properly, although the same content parses fine inside of the JS. Adding a dummy rule (body{}) fixes this. Firefox seems to work through this fine, as does the latest Chrome. This will be fixed shortly.

Regarding Chrome (<style> contains JS):

  • This has been fixed and pushed.

Thank you, looks like everything is working as well as can be expected as long as IE continues to exist.

While working on @import support, the regex bug was fixed. Not sure that the solution is optimal, but it works for now.