
Home website doesn't even work in IE ?

dtaralla opened this issue · 3 comments

First, thanks for your tool. But I can't even try it in IE, seems like you didn't enter a DOCTYPE for your site . And even, I tested multiple times and your script just doesn't work :(

I'm using IE 9 and test your site with F12 (dev tools), and changing Internet Explorer navigator and document modes.

Using Chrome, I see that it replaces my border-radius rules for example by -webkit-border-radius. But it also put a -mozborder-radius. Why?

Very odd and sad, because your script is exactly what I need...

The site uses the HTML5 doctype: <!doctype html> referenced here:

cssFx is browser-agnostic, so it can be used to generate prefixed rules for all possible browsers, which is why it adds -moz- and -webkit- rules together.

Let me know the specific issue you're having, please. I'm closing the ticket unless there's an actual cssFx problem.

OK, here is a description of the issue. When launching site in Internet Explorer 9 with:
Document mode: IE9
Navigator mode: IE9

I notice transitions animations aren't played (but on Chrome for example, that is originally transition-capable, they are).

Document mode: IE7, 8
Navigator mode: IE7, 8

All css3 properties that IE9 originally supports without your script don't work anymore. That is,

  • Shadows
  • Border-radius
  • Columns
  • ...

CSS transitions are supported in IE10+ (

cssFx only provides prefixed properties and some minor fallbacks. It does not provide substitution for CSS3 properties for browsers that do not support them via vendor prefixes.