
Is this project Abandoned? 这个项目被放弃了吗?

stopspazzing opened this issue · 7 comments

Seeing as there is over a hundred issues, is this project abandoned? Can this be passed off to someone else?

Zhège xiàngmù bèi fàngqìle ma?

Since the second half of 2018, the maintainer of this project had no activity anymore, maybe he had forgotten his password. 😂

Does anyone want to fork it and maintain it?

Yǒu shéi xiǎng yào fēn chā bìng wéihù tā?


Does anyone want to fork it and maintain it?

Everyone can maintain it. If you like this project, you can fork it, and merge some PRs, and try to solve some issues. Make some promotions to attract developers into your repo.

For me, I prefer professional comment systems now, e.g. Disqus.

@stopspazzing You may use this comment system, it's also built on GitHub Issues. It's more active.

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