forgot_password template missing
arielwaissbein opened this issue · 0 comments
arielwaissbein commented
When I reset a password I get the email follow the link, but the change_password view expects to render_template("frontend/change_password.html",form = form) There is no file change_password.html and the rendering fails.
I tried doing the obvious but it doesn't work. e.g.., if I simply create change_password.html with the following code
{% from "macros/_form.html" import render_form %}
{% set page_title = "Change password" %}
{% extends "layouts/base.html" %}
{% block body %}
<h2>Change password</h2>
{{ render_form(url_for('frontend.change_password'), form)}}
{% endblock %}
It is render correctly, but when posting with SAVE I get a Forbidden page :( message.