
LPSPI3 Init Hanging

N8BWert opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm currently using the Teensy 4.1 for a project and need to utilize bother the SPI0 (LPSPI4) and SPI1 (LPSPI3) instances. I have not problem with utilizing the LPSPI4 instance, however whenever the LPSPI3 instance is instantiated (i.e. caling hal::lpspi::Lpspi::new() with the LPSPI3 instance) the program hangs.

An example program that will cause the on-board led to blink 9 times (indicating the program stalled during initialization) is:


use bsp::board::{self, LPSPI_FREQUENCY};
use teensy4_bsp as bsp;
use teensy4_panic as _;

use bsp::hal as hal;
use bsp::ral::lpspi::LPSPI3;

fn main() -> ! {
    let board::Resources {
    } = board::t41(board::instances());

    let spi_pins = hal::lpspi::Pins {
        pcs0: pins.p38,
        sck: pins.p27,
        sdo: pins.p26,
        sdi: pins.p39,
    let spi3 = unsafe { LPSPI3::instance() };
    let mut radio_spi = hal::lpspi::Lpspi::new(spi3, spi_pins);

    radio_spi.disabled(|spi| {
        spi.set_clock_hz(LPSPI_FREQUENCY, 1_000_000);

    loop {


^(For context hal is imxrt-hal and ral is imxrt-ral)

I'm not sure what the issue could be but any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.

I haven't tested on hardware, but I'm pretty sure this is a teensy4-bsp issue. The BSP isn't enabling the LPSPI3 clock gate. Within this collection in the teensy4-bsp package, try adding a call to


This should automatically turn on the clock gate. If that works, your PR with the fix would help me expedite a release.

If this is your first time testing custom patches in your dependencies, the overriding dependencies guide might be helpful.

That was it. Thank you so much. I've created the PR here