This package propose two ways to dynamically change your desktop automatically. One is by generating a XML file, that can be used by any GNOME desktop compatible system (such as GNOME 2 and 3, Unity, MATE and Cinnamon), and the other one is a little script you can run to randomly select a picture from a path.
GNOME background compatible desktop environment can use XML files to make an animated background. This little script allows you to automatically generate your own XML background changer file, easily, using the command line.
To generate the XML file, use gnome-background-generator:
usage: gnome-background-generator [-h] [-v] [-o OUTPUT] [-r] [-t TRANSITION_TIME] [-d DISPLAY_TIME] [-R] [-f] [directory [directory ...]] A simple command line tool to generate an XML file to use for gnome wallpapers, to have dynamic walls positional arguments: directory Directory path that should be searched for image files optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -r, --randomize Randomly shuffle scanned images -R, --recursive Recursivly scan the given directories -f, --follow-symlinks Follow symbolic links when scanning directories recursivly (implies --recursive) -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT Output filename. If no filename is specified, a dynamic-wallpaper.xml file will be generated in the path containing the pictures. You can also use "-" to display the xml in the stdout -t TRANSITION_TIME, --transition-time TRANSITION_TIME Time (in seconds) transitions must last [Default: 2] -d DISPLAY_TIME, --display-time DISPLAY_TIME Time (in seconds) a picture must be displayed [Default: 900 (15min)] -v, --debug
- Generate a file named dynamic-background.xml from all images in the current directory:
- Generate a file named background.xml in the current directory using all images in
the directories "foo" and "bar" and all their subdirectories (even symlinked ones)
in random order with a 5 second transition and a 15 second display time:
gnome-background-generator -o background.xml -r -t 5 -d 15 -R -f foo bar
There is also another command you can use to change your background to a random file from a known directory:
$ gnome-wallpaper-select /path/to/walls
This second one is useful if combined with a cronjob; Unfortunately, it's sometimes a hard process because crontabs use dbus, and this conflicts with the use of gconftool-2.
Here is a simple tutorial on how to make it work:
$ wget -O ~/.Xdbus $ crontab -e
And then add
*/4 * * * * . ~/.Xdbus; /usr/local/bin/gnome-wallpaper-select ~/Images/walls