
Compiler Error: UnityEvent Implementation

JorisDrobka opened this issue · 4 comments

NetworkDiscovery.cs 44: Cannot create an instance of the abstract class or interface 'UnityEvent<NetworkDiscovery.DiscoveryInfo>
UnityEvent is abstract, custom unity events need to be implemented as their own type:

public class NetworkDiscoverEvent : UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent {}
public NetworkDiscoverEvent onReceivedServerResponse = new NetworkDiscoverEvent();

Which version of Unity you use ? The project is tested with 2020.3 and newer versions.

2019 LTS (2019.4.xx)

Huh that's weird, doc says Events must be overriden and cannot be an instance

No idea why it works for @in0finite on 2020.3++ but it contradics the documentation

Yeah, definitely something is weird there, the class UnityEvent<T0> is NOT abstract.

For me, there are no compiler errors and I can persist event callbacks in the scene.