
Firebase observer using REST Api

santoshkc05 opened this issue · 3 comments

I am building IOS application using firebase REST API. From the doc (Ref: it says that we can Stream from the REST API.I am not able to listen firebase events.When I run the app Only onOpen callback is called. When i changed the child value on firebase nothing happened on callback methods. Can you suggest me the way to observe the events?

I tried following code:

   Auth.auth().currentUser?.getIDTokenForcingRefresh(true, completion: { (token, error) in
    let server : String =  "\(token!)"

    let eventSource: EventSource = EventSource(url: server)
    eventSource.onOpen {
        // When opened
        debugPrint("eventSource open")

    eventSource.onError { (error) in
        // When errors
        debugPrint("error = \(error?.localizedDescription)")
    eventSource.onMessage { (id, event, data) in
         debugPrint("data = \(data)")
        // Here you get an event without event name!

    eventSource.addEventListener("child_added") { (id, event, data) in
           debugPrint("data = \(data)")
        // Here you get an event 'event-name'

Hi @Alice05, I had the same problem but I was expecting that .onMessage method worked but wasn't
the case.

Reading the official Firebase documentation for "Streaming data", I realized that all the events you can get are the following ones:


You are adding the listener to 'child_added' event, that is not a valid one.
put worked for me, every single change in that end point is presented now.

self.eventSource?.addEventListener("put") { (id, event, data) in print("UPDATE!!!!") print("ID:\(id)\nEVENT:\(event)\nDATA:\(data)") }

Hope this will help you!

WOW, thanks a lot.. It really help me.

Hi Santosh
How did you disconnect connect to server?
I tried using
But not working. Can you please help me?