
apns4erl v2 - expecting 410 but getting 200

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I am trying to use apns4erl v2 to send notifications.

  • I sent 1 notification with app on device.
  • Device received it.
  • I deleted the app on device
  • I send notification again.
  • Expected 410, but received 200

Can you please help?

    Headers = #{ apns_expiration  => <<"0">>
             , apns_priority    => <<"10">>
             , apns_topic       => <<"com.myApp.myApp">>
1> apns:start().
2> apns:connect(cert, my_conn).
3> DeviceToken = <<"fddbbfcfa5ce04a07d2c053ead7b5466e3bc64362440ddb18b6aerdfb0fc8fd9">>.
4>  Notification = #{aps => #{alert => <<"you have a message">>}}.
#{aps => #{alert => <<"you have a message">>}}
7> apns:push_notification(my_conn, DeviceToken, Notification).            