
Nearby places: we need to use the correct field for population

Closed this issue · 10 comments


The population of nearby places are reported using a different field from the IND_Captial_Population Point_WGS84.shp (common data in Realtime) in earthquake realtime reports to that used in volcanic ash realtime reports. This means that if the same place was affected by an earthquake and a volcanic ash fall; InaSAFE Realtime reports would report a different population for the same place.

Earthquake realtime reports use the Total_Pop field and volcanic ash reports used the Cap_Pop_Es field

proposed solution

Nearby places in realtime reports should be based on the same places dataset and the population for nearby places should be based on the same field.
The field that should be used for both reports is Cap_Pop_Es as this estimates the population of the city rather than the total population of the district or province.

Please use the field in yellow


@samnawi - please confirm my understanding
@ivanbusthomi @Gustry

Hi @Charlotte-Morgan
Based on my current checkout code, I can't find the file that you mentioned: IND_Captial_Population Point_WGS84.shp. I only find this layer: IDN_Capital_City_Point_WGS84.shp I checked its keyword, it's already set to use Cap_Pop_Es not Total_Popfield

Perhaps I miss something in the realtime source code structure. But I couldn't find another file. Can you give me some clue @lucernae . Or can you tell me how did you find that the earthquake and ash realtime use different layer?

hi @ismailsunni
I have a btsync file for realtime that looks like this:
Maybe someone can share a screenie of the data you really use :)

Hi @Charlotte-Morgan
Now I am not sure that we are talking the same thing. I only checked from the data that sync in from @lucernae 's ansible script.
screen shot 2018-01-05 at 15 57 48

Perhaps @lucernae can explain what is what.

@ismailsunni I will check it also and let you know after that.

@lucernae is addressing this now

I think I already fixed this in the past like @ismailsunni said.
I do double check again and copy the new files and confirmed Ash will use Cap_Pop_Es from IDN_Capital_Population_Point_WGS84.shp. Previously, it was using IDN_Capital_City_Point_WGS84.shp but the data inside is the same for Cap_Pop_Es field.

For Realtime Earthquake report, I had to dig deeper and come back tomorrow, since it is from legacy code.

Confirmed, Earthquake Report uses Total Pop instead of Cap_Pop_Es.
We fixed it now.

close @lucernae ?

I think we can close this however - we do have ongoing issues with Places data and exposure data in general for the multiexposure analysis in 4.3