
Spelling check marks unwanted items from roxygen documentation

Closed this issue · 2 comments

After running checklist::check_spelling() locally in a package that is written in dutch language, some words typical for roxygen documentation are (in my opinion incorrectly) marked as spelling mistakes:

  • @return
  • \itemize and \item (used to layout a list)
  • \eqn and items inside {}{} following \eqn (in this case \sim, B\log, C\log, +, \delta and B.log, but it would be good to ignore everything between the two pairs of {}, I think)

Is there a way to mute this, other than adding these items as words to the .dic file?

The internal function spelling_parse_r() should strip @return and \eqn().

I prefer to use markdown syntax over latex syntax in Roxygen comments. It makes the documentation source easier to read.

Note for others with a similar issue: \eqn() is only stripped when the whole equation is set on one line.