
"type" of contributor on Zenodo

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Zenodo requires the "type" of contributor to be defined in .zenodo.json. Available options are listed below. We need to pick one to use for people listed in the DESCRIPTION with role = "ctb". Which should we pick? Researcher? ProjectMember? Other? Their names will be listed under this title at the Zenodo page of the package.

  • ContactPerson
  • DataCollector
  • DataCurator
  • DataManager
  • Distributor
  • Editor
  • Funder
  • HostingInstitution
  • Producer
  • ProjectLeader
  • ProjectManager
  • ProjectMember
  • RegistrationAgency
  • RegistrationAuthority
  • RelatedPerson
  • Researcher
  • ResearchGroup,
  • RightsHolder
  • Supervisor
  • Sponsor
  • WorkPackageLeader
  • Other

I'm in favor of "other" since none of the other correspond to contributor.

Any one else from @inbo/bmk or @inbo/oscibio how has an opinion on this?

Yeah, none of the others fit as contributor, so other. I’m assuming the role=“aut” are listed as authors?

Yes. Have a look at this example.

  • role = "aut" becomes author (different field in the metadata).
  • role = "cre" becomes contributor of type "Contactperson".
  • role = "cph" becomes contributor of type "RightsHolder".
  • other roles are currently ignored. See ?person() for the available options.

@ThierryO you used 'ProjectMember' in the above referred example; I would prefer that too. IMO it is what comes closest to the role of 'Contributor' in the list (viewing package development as the project). I'd prefer that over 'Other', which does not give a clue about the role.

@team_bmk decided to opt for ProjectMember