
Create and maintain `locaties.csv`

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Ideally this file should be in the Google Drive "SWO Rivierkreeften" -> "Data" and published openly. I have to check if a GitHub Action can access it and edit it. If not, it should stay in a new repository together with the R code needed to perform the steps here below.

Initial step

  • read locations.gpkg
  • create a data.frame based on it, i.e. dropping the geometry field
  • add column isGereserveerd with value FALSE (default)
  • add column vrijwilligerID. Leave it empty (default)
  • save the data.frame as locaties.csv

For visualizations, I can do some test using my vrijwilligerID value: 10.

Automatic daily step

To be performed via GitHub Action

  • read locaties.gpkg
  • create a data.frame based on it, i.e. dropping the geometry field
  • add column isGereserveerd with value FALSE (default)
  • add column vrijwilligerID. Leave it empty (default)
  • left join the existing locations.csv with this data.frame. If new locations have been added, they will get empty (NA) isGereserveerd and vrijwilligerID fields
  • set isGereserveerd to FALSE if NA
  • save it as locaties.csv

This step is not needed anymore. The management of locations will occur in ONE (csv) file only. See #205. This is a way better approach, of course. I will close this issue.