
Add "percentage" unit option to "FIGUUR: Gerapporteerd aantal embryo's voor vrouwelijke wilde zwijnen per jaar"

SanderDevisscher opened this issue · 1 comments

Currently we only see the absolute number of females with a given number of embryo's while a lot of stakeholders are interested in the trends in the proportion of embryo's as well. To inform about this statistic I think it would be nice to allow switching the unit of "FIGUUR: Gerapporteerd aantal embryo's voor vrouwelijke wilde zwijnen per jaar" from the absolute number into the percentage1 of females.

1(#females with x embryos/total number of females)*100

@jimcasaer @LynnPallemaerts @RuttenAnneleen @soriadelva any reason why not ? or any remarks ?

We just need to decide on the esthetics ?

  1. stacked line (reeds gebruikt in FIGUUR: Afschot per jaar en per leeftijdscategorie (o.b.v. onderkaak))
  2. stacked area (volledig nieuwe type grafiek)
  3. something completely different

I'm in favor of the first version !